Congratulations! You now have access to Footsteps2Brilliance, the Research-based Literacy program with tools in English and Spanish to support grade-level reading proficiency. 

(If you still need help accessing your Footsteps2Brilliance account, please reach out to

Understand the Goal

Research has shown that students who use Footsteps2Brilliance programs for at least 45 minutes each week accelerate learning exponentially.

The GOAL is to help students use the program effectively for 15 mins 3-4 days a week. Footsteps2Brilliance may be used in whole-group, small-group, centers, and most importantly, AT HOME.

Follow the 4-steps below to get started with your class: 

Getting to know Footsteps2Brilliance tutorials

Why teachers and families love Footsteps2Brilliance:

Footsteps2Brilliance can be accessed on any smartphone, tablet, computer, or interactive whiteboard. 
After initial setup, Footsteps2Brilliance can be used on a mobile device with no Wi-Fi.
Supports dual-immersion & bilingual education with comprehensive standards-based English and Spanish curriculum that correlates to your dual-immersion and bilingual programs.
60% of low-income homes do not have books. Footsteps2Brilliance provides ALL families with 1,000's of books, skill building games, and writing activities in English and Spanish.
Footsteps2Brilliance comes with ready-to-go guided learning pathways aligned to your core ELA / SLA program.
Footsteps2Brilliance provides real-time formative assessment data to help you individualize learning for each of your students.

Before you go on: 

  1. Make sure you have the device you will be using Footsteps2Brilliance on.
  2. You have added to your email contacts 

Next Up: Prepare Classroom Devices

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