Starting with version 11, the Footsteps2Brilliance and Clever Kids University apps allow users to play immediately without requiring them to download content. When playing online, Footsteps2Brilliance will use approximately 110 MB of space. Clever Kids University: Pre-Reader and Clever Kids University: I Can Read will each use approximately 70 MB of space per app.

You also have the option to download content for offline play. When completely downloaded, Footsteps2Brilliance uses approximately 8 GB of space on your device. Clever Kids University: Pre-Reader and Clever Kids University: I Can Read will use approximately 3GB of space per app. 

 At any time, you can manage the size of the App by removing levels, books or games. 

 You must be logged into the app as a teacher, administrator or a parent in order to delete content. Students are unable to delete content.

To delete content, first log in as a teacher, administrator, or a parent.

Click on the Enable downloading for offline play button

Next, click on the Delete ON button and select the content that you want to delete either by clicking Delete Level or the red "X" on a book or game:

You will be asked to confirm that you would like to delete the content, click Delete:

The deleted content will remain visible but grayed out on the device:

To reinstall the content, touch the green arrow to install a single book or game, or the Download Level button to reinstall the full level: