Reading and Writing Workshops for Families / Talleres de lectura y escritura para familias

Family Literacy Workshop #1-Learning without Limits! / Taller Familiar de alfabetización #1-¡Aprendiendo sin Limites!
The sky is the limit on what our children can accomplish once they know how to read and write. Una vez nuestros niños aprenden a leer y a escribir no habrá ...
Tue, 2 Jan, 2024 at 4:13 PM
Family Literacy Workshop #2-Making Reading Fun! / Taller Familiar de alfabetización #2-¡La lectura es divertida!
There is much that we can do as caregivers to prepare our kids for kindergarten and success in school. The simple act of spending a few minutes each day rea...
Wed, 20 Sep, 2023 at 5:45 PM
Family Literacy Workshop #3-My Child, the Writer / Taller Familiar de alafabetización #3-Mi niño, el escritor
Writing is an important part of building a strong literacy foundation for our children. Children need to be able to express themselves in writing using prop...
Mon, 27 Mar, 2023 at 7:49 AM
Family Literacy Workshop #4 - What's the Big Deal About STEM? / Taller Familiar de alfabetización #4 - ¿Qué es STEM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas) y qué importancia tiene?
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) are the backbone of our world today. Did you know that there are simple things you can do to help your chi...
Mon, 27 Mar, 2023 at 7:54 AM
Family Literacy Webinar #5: Learning to Read, Reading to Learn / Taller familiar de alfabetización #5 Aprendiendo a leer y leyendo para aprender
Learning to read in the early stages of a child's development is important for their future success. Aprender a leer durante las etapas tempranas del d...
Mon, 27 Mar, 2023 at 7:53 AM
Family Literacy Webinar #6: Building a Positive Mindset with Footsteps2Brilliance / Taller familiar de alfabetización # 6 Construyendo una mentalidad positiva con Footsteps2Brilliance
There are many benefits of a positive mindset in our children. Children with a positive mindset are more likely to be successful in school and life, achieve...
Wed, 26 Apr, 2023 at 5:38 PM
Family Literacy Webinar #7: Behind the Scenes of Footsteps2Brilliance / Taller familiar de alfabetización #7: Detrás del telón con Footsteps2Brilliance
Join us for a VIP Backstage Tour of Footsteps2Brilliance! Footsteps2Brilliance has a wealth of activities to keep learning fun and engaging all year long! ...
Fri, 5 May, 2023 at 4:32 PM
Family Literacy Webinar #8: What Do You Do in the Summertime? / Taller familiar de alfabetización #8: ¿Qué hacer durante el verano?
Join us to learn more about fun and easy activities you can use to keep your child learning all summer long!  ¡Acompáñenos para aprender más sobre nuestras...
Tue, 2 Jan, 2024 at 4:09 PM